Saturday, March 19, 2016

The big opening!

Hello world!

We are Quantum Ka-Tet Creations, a small group of people who want to make games, of the adult kind.

Our first project is a visual novel with interactive sex scenes made in Renpy. It's not a very big game but we want to prove ourselves (and the world!) that we're capable of designing, writing and developing a game, even a small one, before stepping onto something bigger.

I know what you're thinking now: "You can barely talk the talk, when are you gonna walk the walk?", also "There's a hundred guys making games that never get finished, you look like them, a lot", also "what is that dog doing here?", and also "I want to download the game NOW!", but never mind the dog, here's the state of the project, today:
  • Writing incoherent plot: 100%.
  • Coding the shit in Renpy: 100%.
  • Adding music, sound effects and fart noises: 100%.
  • Waking up Cthulhu: 60%.
  • Filling the interactive scenes with sexiness: 75%.
  • Copy editing all the text: 30% .
Once this tasks are finished we'll release our game under the aegis of our Squid Lord. If it please Him not to eat our heads we'll know we did a decent job, if not, it won't matter anymore.  

You can download a DEMO and see what we're talking about:
Windows x86: DOWNLOAD
Linux x86/x86_64: DONWLOAD
Macintosh x86: DONWLOAD


The full game will be released around April 23.

But while our writing guy is struggling with the sexiness we have a couple of spare brains working on our next project (Codename: Zombie Squirrel). We depart from the visual novel to create an adventure game with some RPG elements. Or at least that what we expect, you never know with these guys, maybe we end with a Pong clone instead. But our plan is to made a quest-based game where you can navigate the city (and beyond), buy and sell equipment, items and resources, fight your way through trouble with rad combat skills and have some girls and fun in the process. We'll use Renpy to create it, hoping to stretch its capabilities enough to create something engaging enough and fun to play.

Stay tuned for more news.

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