About us

We are Quantum Ka-tet Creations. 

Ka-tet is a term on High Speech from The Dark Tower series, written by Stephen King. It means “one made from many”, a group of people joined by fate. We are those people and our fate is to create video games, of the adult kind, for a better future!

Quantum, sounds cool and refers to the fact that we are a small ka-tet, these are our actual members:

Ikke, all design things related.
 Ikke, real name “Ikkkeegg Akkkghgh”, was born on a ship sailing the Antarctic Ocean, but the ship sunk and as only survivor he was rescued and raised by emperor penguins, that explain the obsession with black and white design and mackerels. When discovering McMurdo Station and other humans, he tried to breed with them but failed to produce a viable egg so Ikkkeegg migrated to warmer lands on the promise that there will be fish and proper mate-persons who know how to hold and egg over their feet during the winter. Unable to speak any human language he resorted to drawing to communicate, nor that he can draw shit, but that’s all that we could understood from ‘reading’ his secret diary. Soon he faced with the incomprehension that society bestow over great geniuses and people who try to mate like penguins on the street with every passerby and was unjustly hospitalized on a mental institution.

Guy, main writer.
Guy, real name he forgot, was born and raised on a small village that was razed by barbarians looking for the secret of steel. He survived but was sold as slave at the equivalent of the Clarion Writer’s Workshop in Manchuria (Cracovia?) when he ghostwrited his first Hugo Awards novel at age seven. Forced to write three Clancy-esque novels each month his already feeble mind broke after five years and was sent to St Judas Barsabbas Asylum to die or rot, whatever happens first. Everything was quiet and fine at the asylum until the night a blind curator dabbling with the Goldbach Conjecture opened a portal to an unknown dimension sucking in all the inmates and staff. Kaf reappeared on this world years later, wearing a tunic made of bandersnatch skin and brandishing astonishing writing powers on his left hand. Where he was and what happened to him all that years, he won’t tell, but his once feeble mind now is bubbling with ideas not from this world and sometimes light shone from his ears. Instead of granting him fortune and glory his, so called, condition awarded him a one-way ticket to the loony bin.

Quatumbit, code developer, social media laborer.
QuantumBit, real name William Obed Marsh III, was born at Innsmouth and raised on the gentle tentacular embrace of the First Cthulhu Reformist Church. Following the millenary tradition of his family was educated as software engineer by the Holy Elders but soon rebelled and started a promising career as walrus herder, sadly he was soon fired, by the walruses. He spent then some years on his own, with no direction home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone, until that fateful day when he was stroked by lightning (a real one, not a metaphor) at the outskirts of Poughkeepsie. The smoked William, with survived the hit with barely a mild burn and a funny inclination to speak in binary, was hospitalized at Hudson River Psychiatric Center due to a mistake.

Quantum Ka-tet Creations.
 And there is where our story begins: the tale of three outsiders, three lovely rascals, three dedicated geniuses, two human beings and one half-breed in possesion of The Vision, who united forces to conquer... to make video games. And conquer the wordl!

At Hudson River Psychiatric Center the dynamic trio get to know each other at the tv room suffering reruns of 'Friends' and 'MacGyver', they devised a plan to escape while enjoying electroshock therapy and on May 2007, when a lightning caused a huge fire at the hospital, they seized the opportunity and run away to found Quatum Ka-tet Creations. Preferable on a place with plenty of lightning rods.

After years of strugling to create the army of robots described on 'The new new book of prophecies' with scrapyard junk and radioactive waste, our three visionaries settled on a better plan: to conquer the mind before the body of their would be subjects. And the perfect tool for that was games, video games, of the adult kind. No human or mackerel would resist the siren call of craft made games with sexy bits and tits.

And this is the part of the story when you go to our Patreon page and click on 'Become a patron' with a silly smile on your face. Or a sad disappointed scowl. We don't care as long as you click the damn button. But we do prefer the smile, really.